🇫🇷 Anesthetize Productions est très honorĂ© de pouvoir vous prĂ©senter un ovni : Cool is Watching You de M’Z (rock/electro expĂ©rimental)
đź’ˇ Un album qui propose une posture musicale « cool » et qui souhaite mettre en perspective les limites de cette posture, qu’on s’impose, nous mĂŞme, plus ou moins volontairement, que les rĂ©seaux sociaux favorisent largement. Posture qui, semble bien plus nous nuire que nous servir. Cool is Watching You est un point de rencontre en musique entre Orwell et Huxley qui espère guĂ©rir le cool par le cool.Â
A Ă©couter sur Bandcamp
🇬🇧 Anesthetize Productions is very honored to present Cool is Watching You by M’Z (experimental electronic/rock).
💡 An album which offers a « cool » musical posture and which wishes to put into perspective the limits of this posture, which we ourselves impose, more or less voluntarily, which social networks widely promote. Posture which seems to harm us more than to serve us. Cool is Watching You is a musical meeting point between Orwell and Huxley who hopes to heal cool through cool.
Now available on Bandcamp