🇫🇷 Anesthetize Productions est fier de présenter le premier teaser to nouvel EP du groupe français de Post-Coldwave Klymt, “Murder on the Beach” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jd4Qlstr58
Originaire de Rouen, KLYMT est un sortilège sonore assez unique. Sorte de Grunge glacé aux synthés 70’s, teinté d’indus, le son du trio mêle mélodies accrocheuses, claviers hantés et guitares reptiliennes. C’est Burzum qui joue avec la poupée covidée de Kurt Cobain, ou tes chansons préférées passées à l’envers. Le groupe présente une discographie qui ne s’interdit rien. Des accents sabbathéens de “What I owe to Savages” (2016) jusqu’aux ambiances électroniques reznorienne de leur nouvel EP “Murder On the Beach” (sortie prévue en avril 2022), impossible de préjuger de ce que tes hauts parleurs délivreront. N’essaie pas de leur mettre une étiquette, ils évoluent dans les limbes de l’algorithme.
Vous pouvez précommander l’EP dans notre shop.
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🇬🇧 Anesthetize Productions is proud to present the first teaser of the EP “Murder on the Beach” by french Post-Coldwave mastermind KLYMT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jd4Qlstr58
Originally from France, KLYMT is a rather unique sound spell. Sort of icy Grunge with 70’s synths, tinged with indus, the sound of the trio mixes catchy melodies, haunted keyboards and reptilian guitars. It’s a bit Burzum and his keyboard playing with Kurt Cobain’s voodoo doll, or your favorite songs played backwards. The combo presents a discography that does not forbid anything : from the Sabbathean accents of “What I owe to Savages” (2016) to the Reznorian electronic atmospheres of their new EP “Murder On the Beach” (to be released in 20th April 2022), it’s impossible to prejudge what your speakers will deliver. Don’t try to pin them down, they evolve in the limbo of the algorithm.
Originally from France, KLYMT is a rather unique sound spell. Sort of icy Grunge with 70’s synths, tinged with indus, the sound of the trio mixes catchy melodies, haunted keyboards and reptilian guitars. It’s a bit Burzum and his keyboard playing with Kurt Cobain’s voodoo doll, or your favorite songs played backwards. The combo presents a discography that does not forbid anything : from the Sabbathean accents of “What I owe to Savages” (2016) to the Reznorian electronic atmospheres of their new EP “Murder On the Beach” (to be released in 20th April 2022), it’s impossible to prejudge what your speakers will deliver. Don’t try to pin them down, they evolve in the limbo of the algorithm.
You can pre-order the EP in our webshop.